This creates all sorts of sacroilliac joint pain, low back pain, and other things in the region which can move up to the mid back and neck, out to the shoulders, or down to the knees and feet.
This creates all sorts of sacroilliac joint pain, low back pain, and other things in the region which can move up to the mid back and neck, out to the shoulders, or down to the knees and feet.
This is the kind you need a 2x/week chronic care plan. Don’t kid yourself, this is absolutely related to your weight gain or obesity, to your lifestyle and eating habits, to your work and posture routines, and will only be fixed if you can return the shape to its original structures.
As you could guess people call us a lot about low back pain. Half the time people call it “sciatica.” But real sciatica starts in the buttocks region then erupts in the calf and down the leg. What you probably have is lumbago, or sacroilliacitis, or a spasmodic QL or iliopsoas (a hip pain). Chances […]